European University Continuing Education Network
The European University Continuing Education Network (eucen) is an international non-governmental not-for-profit association founded in 1991 and registered under Belgian law in 1994. It currently has 168 members in 36 different countries, mainly universities actively committed and involved in the development of University Lifelong Learning (ULLL). It includes 17 European National/Regional Networks for ULLL and 8 associations concerned with the education of adults.
official website:
Contact eucen
The main aims and objectives of eucen are:
- To contribute to the economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and improvement of the quality of LLL within HEIs
- To foster university’s influence on LLL knowledge and policies throughout Europe – eucen represents a very rich source of expertise in the field of ULLL, university management and innovation
- To provide a forum for the development, interchange and dissemination of innovation and good practices on LLL within European HE
- To encourage high standards in all areas of LLL and to harmonise levels of quality for LLL amongst its members
- To represent the interests of the LLL community within HE and to European policymakers
- To facilitate communication, liaison and collaboration with other appropriate bodies and organisations
- To promote and conduct research into LLL and to disseminate the results of this research
- To coordinate events focused in the area of LLL. Normally three events per year:
- Annual conference
- Autumn seminar
- Policy Talks
- To develop LLL policies and practices
- To develop and coordinate EU-funded projects
- To facilitate and encourage networking
- To coordinate conferences and events focused in the area of LLL