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VET European networking Enhancement, KA3 – Support for Policy Reform Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers

Project Timeline:

3 Years - from 1/10/2019 to 30/09/2022

Work Package 2


Extend your partnerships with help of VENHANS Networking Road Map, build up your excellence with Quality Label Catalogue and check how VENHANS is involved in GO+Learn EU model. You will find here also a summary of main findings based on the outcome of the discussions within international expert group.

Work Package 3

Capacity Building

Check out open VET webinars in English and national languages on different topics. Assess your VET centre according to our SOLITY Tool through which you can demonstrate the relevance and benefits for society of the investments made in VET. Create a Road Map for Improvement in terms of capability of a VET centre to “go international”.

Work Package 4


Enhance your knowledge about VET from different points of perspective from different parts of Europe via VET Gazette. Learn what kind of knowledge organisations within and outside the VET4EU2 platform have about the European Vocational Skills Week. Do not forget to involve yourself in some networking activities via our VET4EU Hub.

Project Partnership


EVTA – Association Européenne pour la Formation Professionnelle / European Vocational Training Association (Belgium)


EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Belgium)
EUProVET (The Netherlands)
EVBB – Europäische Verband Beruflicher Bildungsträger (Germany)
EUCEN – European University Continuing Education Network (Belgium)
EURASHE – European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (Belgium)
Endurance (The Netherlands)
VDAB – Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (Belgium)
AFPA – Association Européenne pour la Formation Professionnelle (France)

Associated Partners

LifeLong Learning Platform (Belgium)
EARLALL – European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (Belgium)
Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (France)
European Parents Association (Belgium)
Don Bosco International (Belgium)

Associated Partners

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The VENHANS project is a KA3 – Support for Policy Reform project, funded by the Erasmus programme, aiming to support EVTA and the other members of the VET4EU2 Platform to:

  • strengthen the cooperation within the VET4EU2 platform;
  • improve quality and efficiency of VET,
  • propagating the concept of excellence in VET and enhance VET’s impact and relevance for learners/employers;
  • build transnational cooperation and share best practices on VET excellence, adopting bottom up approaches to valorise local contributions.

The Vocational Education and Training frameworks are so numerous and different in the EU member states and regions that the definition of common development agendas and objectives is really a challenge for decision-makers. The intermediation and mediation between the aims, needs, expectations of VET centres, VET teachers and trainers, local civil society organisations and the European VET development policies require a constant dialogue and exchange of opinions that only proficient networking activities can guarantee.

The VENHANS project will support this dialogue through the following three actions plans:

NETWORKING – Strengthen the cooperation between the VET networks grouped in the VET4U2 umbrella; extend the EVTA partnerships; promote effective and proper use of of the EU funds among the old and the new partners of the network; guarantee a more qualified and extended representativeness within the EU experts’ workgroup, conference, policy survey, etc.; actively contribute to the VET policy development and implementation fostering the cooperation between the EU institutions and agencies and the other umbrella organisations.

CAPACITY BUYILDING – The Capacity Building’s Action Plan aim at collecting all the processes capable of empowering VET professionals’ knowledge and skills, VET providers’ attractiveness and quality of provision, VET stakeholders networking involvement, internalisation attitude to VET learners.

DISSEMINATION – WP4 includes those actions EVTA and the other project partners are willing to develop and carry out together, strengthening the relationship and cooperation among the umbrella networks.

Media Corner


VENHANS 1st Newsletter


The 31st EfVET International Annual Conference 2022

EfVET is pleased to announce that the registrations for its Annual Conference 2022 are officially opened. This year’s conference – which will take place from the 26th to the 29th of
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This census survey is being conducted in the framework of the project ‘VENHANS – VET European Networking Enhancement’, which is funded by the Erasmus+ programme, KA3 Support for Policy reforms
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This survey is being conducted in the framework of the project ‘VENHANS – VET European Networking Enhancement’, which is funded by the Erasmus+ programme, KA3 Support for Policy reforms and
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Joint CoVEs Initiative

An event hosted by VET4EU2 and powered by VENHANS The VET4EU2 platform is happy to invite you to the event’ Joint CoVEs Initiative’, which will take place on the 18th
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A symphony of Excellence: The VET Providers Orchestra

An event organised by VET4EU2 and powered by VENHANS The VET4EU2 platform is happy to invite you to our event’ A symphony of Excellence: The VET Providers Orchestra’, which will
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VENHANS WP4 – Dissemination

The VENHANS WP4 – Dissemination, aims at promoting the external visibility of the VET4EU2 platform and at carrying out activities to sustain the diffusion all over Europe of VET learning
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