VET European networking Enhancement, KA3 – Support for Policy Reform Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers
Project Timeline:
3 Years - from 1/10/2019 to 30/09/2022
Work Package 2
Work Package 3
Capacity Building
Work Package 4
Project Partnership
EVTA – Association Européenne pour la Formation Professionnelle / European Vocational Training Association (Belgium)
EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Belgium)
EUProVET (The Netherlands)
EVBB – Europäische Verband Beruflicher Bildungsträger (Germany)
EUCEN – European University Continuing Education Network (Belgium)
EURASHE – European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (Belgium)
Endurance (The Netherlands)
VDAB – Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (Belgium)
AFPA – Association Européenne pour la Formation Professionnelle (France)
Associated Partners
LifeLong Learning Platform (Belgium)
EARLALL – European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (Belgium)
Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (France)
European Parents Association (Belgium)
Don Bosco International (Belgium)
The European Vocational Training Association – EVTA is a leading European network in the field of Vocational Education and Training. It comprised of 15 members from 7 European countries, representing thousands of national training providers and, in certain cases, national employment services. EVTA works to facilitate the relationship between stakeholders in the field of VET, in order to enable them to share knowledge and practices on how to shape the training for the future.
In the last decade, EVTA has evolved into an important stakeholder in the field of VET and human capital development, participating in various cooperation and concertation tables, providing support to its member organisations and ensuring that their needs and expectations are fulfilled.
EVTA and VENHANS: EVTA is the leader organisation of this project.
More information: https://www.evta.eu/about-us/
EfVET, based in Brussels, is one of the leading European-wide professional associations which has been created by, and for, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers. EfVET’s policy and strategy are formulated by its member colleges and VET institutions. It collaborates with but is independent of all government and funding bodies. Its income is derived from membership subscription, grants and sponsorship.
EfVET represents directly the views of its members on VET issues to all the European Union Institutions and Bodies and responds to all appropriate consultation processes. EfVET offers a network of, and for, professionals to foster connections between researchers, business people, and practitioners in Vocational Education and Training and lifelong learning.
The principal aim of EFVET is to provide a transnational framework to support all co-operative actions aimed at enhancing and improving technical and vocational education and training.
EfVET,’s role as an organisation is to promote, stimulate, foster and encourage this process and to disseminate the good practice that emanates.
EfVET and VENHANS: EfVET is one of the Organizations that in 2014 agreed to work under the umbrella of the VET4EU2 platform. The definition of the Action Plans of VENHANS, the activities, the deployed resources in the project proposal, have been defined by EVTA in strict cooperation with EfVET and the framework of the VET4EU2 platform – wishing to give more visibility to the platform but also start pursuing a more professional attitude. EfVET will support with its contribution in the WPs 2,3 and 4.
More information: www.efvet.org
EUproVET is a representational platform for European VET providers from Netherlands. EUproVET contributes to the European agenda by:
- Providing the labour market with a skilled and high qualified labour force.
- Contributing to social inclusion, from both the social and economic perspectives.
- Contributing to life-long learning.
- Creating smooth pathways to higher stages of education.
- Contributing to an open European Vocational Education and Training Area (EVETA).
EUproVET offers a possibility to VET providers and (leaders of) colleges and schools for strong representation at European level, to voice their interests and to reach common European goals bridging the gap between policy development and policy implementation.
EUproVET and VENHANS: EUproVET will support with its contribution in the WPs 2,3 and 4.
More information: www.euprovet.eu
EVVB is the European umbrella association of free and non-profit educational providers, based in Germany. Its objective is the qualitative improvement of vocational education and training in Europe and beyond and to increase the efforts designed to promote VET as a first choice. EVBB has more than 65 members coming both from the private and the public sector and covers all fields related to initial, advanced and further education and training.
Beginning in 2008 two EVBB coordinators were assigned to enhance the communication between the members, assuring the quality of all EVBB activities. They coordinate all the activities among the professional working committee, project team and various bodies of experts; organize the activities of the professional working committee itself; design the EVBB website content; monitor and evaluate the working program. The project team is made up of two persons who help the members plan projects for the European cooperation of vocational education and training. In addition to that, the project team assists the executive committee and the secretary general in canvassing for new members.
EVBB and VENHANS: EVBB will support with its contribution in the WPs 2,3 and 4.
More information: https://evbb.eu/
EUCEN is the largest multidisciplinary association of University Continuing Education and University Lifelong Learning institutions in Europe. It was founded in 1991 in Belgium, and has currently 169 members from 34 countries including 18 National/Regional Networks for University Lifelong Learning.
The main mission of EUCEN is to promote Lifelong Learning within Higher Education Institutions in Europe and elsewhere; and to foster universities’ influence in the development of Lifelong Learning knowledge and policies throughout Europe.
EUCEN and VENHANS: EUCEN will represent Higher Education in all activities carried out as part of the VENHANS project.
More information: http://www.eucen.eu/
EURASHE was founded in Patras (Greece) in 1990. It has the status of an international non-profit association according to Belgian law (aisbl) and its Secretariat is located in Brussels (Belgium).
EURASHE represents universities of applied sciences and university colleges; other members of EURASHE are national and sectorial associations of higher education institutions, and other individual institutions, such as universities. EURASHE members operate within and across different national systems whether these are unitary or binary, professional and/or academic.
EURASHE’s mission is to strengthen the impact of innovative, high quality professional higher education and related user-oriented research in Europe by representing professional higher education institutions and facilitating their multi-stakeholder cooperation and dialogue. In addition to offering professionally-orientated programmes, EURASHE members are specifically engaged in applied and profession-related research, and its technological applications. EURASHE focuses primarily on policy development and on higher education projects and research with emphasis on its professionally-orientated segments. Furthermore, it organises annual conferences, thematic seminars and tailor-made events for its members.
EURASHE and VENHANS: EURASHE will support with its contribution in the WPs 3 and 4.
More information: www.eurashe.eu
ENDURANCE offers practical training to help improve the functioning of participants. Endurance provides training in the field of communication, management and safety and it is active, both nationally and internationally, in the following markets: hospitality; hotels; catering; leisure; marinesports and tourism; retail, care; (semi)government. Furthermore, the Organizations is active in the services of: In-company training; vocational education; workshops; consultancy; individual coaching; absence management; Business Schools. The aim has a long-term effect of the trainings by providing quality, a good conversion of theory into practice and drawing up personal training plans for participants. A thorough evaluation contributes to this lasting effect.
ENDURANCE and VENHANS: Endurance supports EVTA in particular in the WP1 being the WP’s co-coordinator. WP1 includes all the activities aimed to allow a sound planning and management of the project, an accurate monitoring of the activities and an evaluation of the quality of the outcomes.
More information: https://www.endurance.nl
is one of the largest Italian consortia of VET providers, with more than 1,600 employees and over 40,000 (young and adult) students per year. It counts nearly 90 training centers located in four Italian regions: Lombardia, Piemonte, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Its mission is to enhance professional development, as well as the growth of local economies and labour organizations by operating in the following fields:
- VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (iVET; cVET; lifelong training for companies; apprenticeships);
- EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (tailored training; job placement; skills analysis and certification);
- INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT (research and surveys; international cooperation; technical assistance; training programs start up and improvement).
ENAIP NET and VENHANS: besides being involved in the overall implementation of activities, ENAIP NET is in charge of leading Work Package 2, which aims at strengthening the cooperation between the VET4EU2 member associations, promoting representativeness, internationalisation and especially a networking attitude among EU VET providers and stakeholders, fostering an active participation to the EU policy-making process.
More information: http://www.enaip.net/en
VDAB is the Flemish government agency for public employment and vocational training. At VDAB, the aim is to make the match between employers and jobseekers, the main task is to mediate between supply and demand on the labour market which is changing every day. The challenge is to find a sustainable career for every talent encouraging citizens to develop their talents and competences to the fullest and providing employers with the necessary (digital) tools to recruit and train employees. The vision? A career perspective and career ownership for every citizen, every talent at work, through co-creative and custom made matching and perspective on talent for every employer.
Wim Adriaens had been at the helm of VDAB since 2019 as managing director. Luc Cortebeeck is currently chairman of board of directors.
VDAB and VENHANS: VDAB supports in particular in WP3 being the WP’s co-coordinator. WP3 includes all the actions aimed to empowering VET professionals’ knowledge and skills, VET providers’ attractiveness and quality of provision, VET stakeholders networking involvement, internalisation attitude to VET learners.
More information: https://www.vdab.be
AFPA is the first national agency in France providing qualifications to workers and highly specialised training in certain professions. For almost 70 years by now, AFPA has been an invaluable partner of the French Ministry of Labour by designing and implementing occupational standards and certification programmes, developing studies on the new skills and foresight on future needs of the employment sector, all within an approach committed to social interest and long-term sustainability. Partner as well of the national public employment service, AFPA is a major operator in vocational training in Europe at the service of employment and vocational training policies that aim to secure career development and the growth and competitiveness of companies. The agency supports job seekers and employees, from training to employment: vocational integration, reskilling, upskilling, personal professional and career development, social inclusion.
AFPA and VENHANS: AFPA supports EVTA in particular in WP4 being the WP’s co-coordinator. This WP is basically addressing all of the activities presented in the call, especially through the VET Digital magazine, that will address via its articles all topics relevant to these activities.
More information: https://www.afpa.fr

The VENHANS project is a KA3 – Support for Policy Reform project, funded by the Erasmus programme, aiming to support EVTA and the other members of the VET4EU2 Platform to:
- strengthen the cooperation within the VET4EU2 platform;
- improve quality and efficiency of VET,
- propagating the concept of excellence in VET and enhance VET’s impact and relevance for learners/employers;
- build transnational cooperation and share best practices on VET excellence, adopting bottom up approaches to valorise local contributions.
The Vocational Education and Training frameworks are so numerous and different in the EU member states and regions that the definition of common development agendas and objectives is really a challenge for decision-makers. The intermediation and mediation between the aims, needs, expectations of VET centres, VET teachers and trainers, local civil society organisations and the European VET development policies require a constant dialogue and exchange of opinions that only proficient networking activities can guarantee.
The VENHANS project will support this dialogue through the following three actions plans:
NETWORKING – Strengthen the cooperation between the VET networks grouped in the VET4U2 umbrella; extend the EVTA partnerships; promote effective and proper use of of the EU funds among the old and the new partners of the network; guarantee a more qualified and extended representativeness within the EU experts’ workgroup, conference, policy survey, etc.; actively contribute to the VET policy development and implementation fostering the cooperation between the EU institutions and agencies and the other umbrella organisations.
CAPACITY BUYILDING – The Capacity Building’s Action Plan aim at collecting all the processes capable of empowering VET professionals’ knowledge and skills, VET providers’ attractiveness and quality of provision, VET stakeholders networking involvement, internalisation attitude to VET learners.
DISSEMINATION – WP4 includes those actions EVTA and the other project partners are willing to develop and carry out together, strengthening the relationship and cooperation among the umbrella networks.