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European Vocational Training Association

The European Vocational Training Association – EVTA, is a leading European network in the field of Vocational Education and Training, representing VET providers across Europe. Established in Belgium in 1998 as an International No-Profit Association (AISBL), EVTA is the result of the cooperation between VET providers from different EU countries in the framework of the Euroqualification project.

official website:

Contact EVTA

Rue Victor Oudart 7

B-1030 Bruxelles

+32 (0) 27722858

Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm

In the last decade, EVTA has evolved into an important stakeholder in the field of VET and human capital development, participating in various cooperation and concertation tables, providing support and representing thousands of national training providers and, in certain cases, national employment services.It focuses on the development of VET within the framework outlined by Europe 2020, through:
  • enhancing of the quality of VET.
  • promoting the cooperation of VET providers/businesses.
  • providing specific expertise.
  • disseminating the work based VET approach.
  • cooperating in the European dialogue involving institutions, stakeholders, social partners and training providers.
EVTA has specific expertise in: restructuring process in enterprises, learning outcomes based approaches, work-based learning, internationalisation in VET, mobility and the use and implementation of the European reference tools (ECVET, EQF, EQAVET, EUropass, NFIL) among others.