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Work package 4 - Dissemination

The VENHANS WP4-Dissemination, aims at promoting the external visibility of the VET4EU2 platform and at carrying out activities to sustain the diffusion all over Europe of VET learning tools, methods, practices, in particular those aimed to improve the attractiveness and quality of VET provision and the professional development of VET teachers/trainers.

The activities of WP4 are divided into two main levels: current dissemination activities (websites, mailing list, social media as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram) and structural propagation effort-long-term effect actions that aims to promote a widespread knowledge exchange of VET culture and knowledge, the promotion of the benchmarking and quality development approach, the empowerment of the VET WEEK action to foster internationalisation and attractiveness of VET.

The WP4 package includes those actions VET4EU2 members are willing to develop and carry out together strengthening the relationship and cooperation between the umbrella networks

To do so, it has 4 main activities, the WP4 team has been working on, resulting in 4 outputs:


VET Gazette – a digital VET magazine, aiming to provide added value information to everyone interested in the VET world. Through this magazine, the VENHANS consortium wants to create the opportunity to give a voice to all VET professionals working in the field. Each issue has a specific focus on topics of current interest for the education and training sector with best practice contributions from member organisations of the six EU Associations in the VET4EU2 platform.

The VET Gazette is available for online consultation on the VET4EU2 Hub, or here:



The European Vocational Skills Week is one of the most important events organised to boost the image of vocational education and training in Europe and worldwide. VENHANS puts in place an activity to assess the level of knowledge of VET providers about the event and the opportunities for them to organise activities and promote them in a more consistent way. The VENHANS consortium will carry out a census for each EU VET Skills Week edition falling under the project lifespan


The VET4EU2 member organisations are among the first promoters for the organisation of the EU VET Skills Week. During each edition, they have always worked closely with DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, contributing to the definition of the Week programme and organizing their own events.  In the framework of the VENHANS project, two workshops branded as VET4EU2 are organised in the framework of the two editions of the EU VET Skills Week covered by the project lifespan:


To boost the image of vocational education and training and spread information on good practices and initiatives across Europe, VET4EU2 has developed a brand-new website and social media channels as a relevant source of information. The VET4EU2 website also acts as a communication platform with its VET4EU2 Hub, providing opportunities for participating in informative webinars and networking activities.